This is the core class, create an instance to have a new working particles manager
the engine used by container
the id to identify this instance
sourceOptions: RecursivePartial<IOptions>the options to load
The options loaded by the container, it's a full Options object
canvasCanvas object, in charge of the canvas element and drawing functions
Check if the particles' container is destroyed, if so it's not recommended using it
effectAll the effect drawers used by the container
The container fps limit, coming from options
idThe container check if it's hidden on the web page
particlesThe particles manager
pluginsAll the plugins used by the container
shapeAll the shape drawers used by the container
Check if the particles container is started
Gets the animation status
is playing, false
is paused
The options that were initially passed to the container
the source options passed to the container
Add a new path generator to the container
the key to identify the path generator
the path generator
if true, override the existing path generator
true if the path generator was added, false otherwise
Restarts the container, just a Container.stop/Container.start alias
the Promise of the start method
sourceOptions: RecursivePartial<IOptions>
The object loaded into an HTML element, it'll contain options loaded and all data to let everything working [[]]