Sets if the animations should start automatically or manually
backgroundBackground options, these background options will be used to the canvas element, they are all CSS properties
backgroundBackground Mask options, what's behind the canvas will become hidden and particles will uncover it
Clears the canvas on every frame if enabled
The initial delay before starting the animation
Enables the retina detection, if disabled the ratio used by canvas will be always 1 and not the device setting.
The Particles effect duration in seconds, then the container will be destroyed
The FPS (Frame Per Second) limit applied to all particles animations.
fullSets the animated background mode for particles canvas bringing it to the back
interactivityThe particles interaction options
keyThe key used to store the options in the Engine.configs collection
Particles inserted at load time with a specific position
nameThe name of the config, if it needs to be shown to the user, used also if key is missing
particlesThe particles options
Enables or disabled the animation on window blur
Enable or disabled the animation if the element is outside the viewport
presetThis property will be used to add specified presets to the options
This sets custom options based on canvas size
Enables a smooth effect, by default it's disabled When enabled the animation will speed up or slow down depending on fps The IOptions.fpsLimit field will be used as a reference for the animation speed Some examples: - with a IOptions.fpsLimit of 60 the animation will be twice faster on 120 fps devices - with a IOptions.fpsLimit of 120 the animation will be twice slower on 60 fps devices The animation will be always smooth, but the behavior could be affected by the user screen refresh rate It's recommended to keep this disabled, be careful.
themesUser-defined themes that can be retrieved by the particles Container
The maximum layers used in the z-axis
This method loads the source object in the current instance
data: RecursivePartial<IOptions>the source data to load into the instance