Absorber options


key option type example notes
color color object This color object is the same described here {@link IColor}
opacity number 0...1
position object { "x": 50, "y": 50 } The position specified is not absolute, it will be used as a percent value of the canvas size.
size.density number 5 The higher the value, the more the particles are attracted
size.limit number 100 The absorber max radius, this value is optional
size.value number / object 50 / { min: 10, max: 50 } The absorber radius
interface IAbsorber {
    color: string | IRangeColor;
    destroy: boolean;
    draggable: boolean;
    name?: string;
    opacity: number;
    orbits: boolean;
    position?: RecursivePartial<IRangedCoordinates>;
    size: IAbsorberSize;

Implemented by


color: string | IRangeColor

Absorber color

destroy: boolean

Absorber destroy, this enable particle destruction, if disabled the particle will randomly respawn

draggable: boolean

Absorber draggable, this enables dragging on absorbers

name?: string

Absorber name

opacity: number

Absorber opacity

orbits: boolean

Absorber orbits, this enable particles orbiting while being attracted by the attracter

Absorber position, percent values calculated on canvas size

Absorber size, these values will be used as pixels