Particles interactivity options


Detects On

This property is used to determine which HTML element should catch mouse interaction.

The valid values are:

  • "canvas": Only the particles canvas will be targeted
  • "parent": Only the particles canvas parent will be targeted
  • "window": The full window will be targeted, this will work perfectly with a negative z-index positioned canvas


See Events documentation {@link IEvents | here}


See Modes documentation {@link IModes | here}

interface IInteractivity {
    detectsOn: "window" | "canvas" | "parent" | InteractivityDetect;
    events: IEvents;
    modes: IModes;
    [name: string]: unknown;

Implemented by


[name: string]: unknown


detectsOn: "window" | "canvas" | "parent" | InteractivityDetect

Where the mouse events will be detected If set to canvas only the particles canvas will be targeted If set to parent only the particles canvas parent will be targeted If set to window every area will be the target

events: IEvents

Interaction events options, this configures which events are enabled and which modes should be used

modes: IModes

Interaction modes options, this configures every mode behavior