Range RGB Color


tsParticles colors can have a lot of values and every color (except {@link IParticlesOptions.color | particles color}) in options can accept all of these values.

All color properties accepts strings and objects. The color object has a single property: value.

Let's explore all valid values.


hex short syntax

color: "#fff";

hex full syntax

color: "#ffffff";

rgb syntax

alpha will be ignored, there are opacity values for that

color: "rgb(255, 255, 255)";

hsl syntax

alpha will be ignored, there are opacity values for that

color: "hsl(0, 100%, 100%)";

hsv syntax

alpha will be ignored, there are opacity values for that

color: "hsv(0°, 100%, 100%)";


random: "random"; // a random color will be picked

That's the easier part, now we go deeper.

Color Object

strings, again

color: {
value: "#fff"; // I won't repeat myself, all the string values above will be valid here too

rgb object

color: {
value: {
r: 255,
g: 255,
b: 255

hsl object

color: {
value: {
h: 0,
s: 100,
l: 100

hsv object

color: {
value: {
h: 0,
s: 100,
v: 100

rgb/hsl nested object

color: {
value: {
rgb: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 } // inlined for brevity, it's the same rgb object as above
hsl: { h: 0, s: 100, l: 100 } // inlined for brevity, it's the same hsl object as above

if rgb and hsl properties are set together only rgb will be used

Multiple colors

Every color.value property accepts a mixed array of its values, but be careful, the color will be random picked.

For some objects this behavior will work fine, other objects like links are runtime generated and will have a different color every frame.

interface IRangeRgb {
    b: RangeValue;
    g: RangeValue;
    r: RangeValue;


b g r



