
tsParticles now supports some customizations 🥳.


You can now create a script with your own shape to use in your website or for distributing it to others. All you have to do is a drawing function, give it a name and use it in the config.

Publish your shapes with tsparticles-shape tag on NPM so everyone can find it.

You'll find a sample below.

spiral.js - The custom shape script, you can distribute it or reuse in all your websites.

// call this method before initializing tsParticles, this shape will be available in all of your tsParticles instances
// parameters: shape name, drawing method
// opacity is just for shapes that needs a differenc opacity handling like images
tsParticles.addShape("spiral", function (context, particle, radius, opacity) {
const data = particle.shapeData,
realWidth = (radius - data.innerRadius) / data.lineSpacing;

for (let i = 0; i < realWidth * 10; i++) {
const angle = 0.1 * i,
factor = data.innerRadius + data.lineSpacing * angle,
pos = {
x: factor * Math.cos(angle),
y: factor * Math.sin(angle),

context.lineTo(pos.x, pos.y);

If you prefer using classes you can, IShapeDrawer interface can be implemented in your code or at least a class with four method IShapeDrawer.draw |draw(context, particle, radius, opacity, delta), IShapeDrawer.init | init(container), IShapeDrawer.afterEffect | afterEffect(context, particle, radius, opacity, delta), IShapeDrawer.destroy | destroy(container) in it. You can find a sample below.

class SpiralDrawer {
draw(context, particle, radius, opacity, delta) {
const data = (particle.shapeData = realWidth = (radius - data.innerRadius) / data.lineSpacing);

for (let i = 0; i < realWidth * 10; i++) {
const angle = 0.1 * i,
factor = data.innerRadius + data.lineSpacing * angle,
pos = {
x: factor * Math.cos(angle),
y: factor * Math.sin(angle),

context.lineTo(pos.x, pos.y);

// call this method before initializing tsParticles, this shape will be available in all of your tsParticles instances
// parameters: shape name, drawer class
tsParticles.addShape("spiral", new SpiralDrawer());

bubble.js - The custom shape script

function (context, particle, radius) {
// drawing function
context.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
undefined, // init function is not required
function (context, particle, radius) {
// after effect function;
context.arc(radius / 3, -radius / 3, radius / 3, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
context.fillStyle = "#fff9";

config.json - The config section to add to your config or in your plugin readme to teach others on how to use it.

// [... omitted for brevity]
"particles": {
// [... omitted for brevity]
"shape": {
"type": "spiral", // this must match the name above, the type works as always, you can use an array with your custom shape inside
"options": {
// this must match the name above, these are the values set in particle.shapeData (the first line of the method above)
// you can use array as value here too, the values will be random picked, like in standard shapes
"spiral": {
"innerRadius": 1,
"lineSpacing": 1,
"close": false, // this value is used by tsParticles to close the path, if you don't want to close it set this value to false
"fill": false // this value is used by tsParticles to fill the shape with the particles color, if you want only the stroke set this value to false
// [... omitted for brevity]
// [... omitted for brevity]
// [... omitted for brevity]

You can now create a script with your own preset to use in your website or for distributing it to others. All you have to do is give it a name and set all the options you need it to load correctly. Remember to not import all config, properties not needed can be omitted.

Publish your preset with tsparticles-preset tag on NPM so everyone can find it.

You'll find a sample below.

fire.preset.js - The custom preset script, you can distribute it or reuse in all your websites.

// call this method before initializing tsParticles, this preset will be available in all of your tsParticles instances
// parameters: preset name, preset partial options
tsParticles.addPreset("fire", {
fpsLimit: 40,
particles: {
number: {
value: 80,
density: {
enable: true,
area: 800,
color: {
value: ["#fdcf58", "#757676", "#f27d0c", "#800909", "#f07f13"],
opacity: {
value: 0.5,
random: true,
size: {
value: 3,
random: true,
move: {
enable: true,
speed: 6,
random: false,
interactivity: {
events: {
onclick: {
enable: true,
mode: "push",
resize: true,
background: {
image: "radial-gradient(#4a0000, #000)",

config.json - The config section to add to your config or in your plugin readme to teach others on how to use it.

"preset": "fire" // this should match the name above, it can be used in array values too, it will be loaded in order like everyone else