
The Shape section of Particles options has been reworked a lot but for now it's still compatible with all your old configurations.

If you want to customize more you particles you should use the new syntax

key option type example notes
type string
["circle", "triangle", "image"]
options object This object is where new implementations are placed

Shape options is a dynamic object, is properties are the shape types, even the custom one you created (as you can read above) and the values are objects or arrays that will be used to draw the particles.

This will give us more customization, you can now specify a shape type with a particles property that lets you customize almost all the properties of the original object.

shape and number will be ignored for obvious reasons.

The shape types you find described above are the only implemented here, if you use an external custom shape ask the creator.

All the shapes have in common these properties

key option type example notes
particles object See Particles options here
fill boolean true / false Used to specify if its shape particles should be filled with color or not
close boolean true / false Used to specify if its shape particles should have a closed shape

Below you'll find the options of some shape types that need additional properties, you can add to the object below the 3 properties above.

polygon: {
sides: 5; // the number of sides of the polygon
"star": {
"sides": 5, // the number of sides of the star
"inset": 2 // the inset length, 2 is the default and an acceptable value
"character": {
"value": "*", // the text to use as particles, any string is valid, for escaping unicode char use the `\uXXXX` syntax
"font": "Verdana", // the font to use to draw the text. If the font needs an external css or javascript like FontAwesome you should include all the necessary files on your own
"style": "", // any additional css style to add to the text
"weight": "" // the css weight property, some fonts like font awesome have a specified weight, check the documentation if needed
"image": {
// any path or url to your image that will be used as a particle
"src": "",
// the pixel width of the image, you can use any value, the image will be scaled
"width": 100,
// the pixel height of the image, you can use any value, the image will be scaled
"height": 100,
// if true and the image type is SVG, it will replace all the colors with the particle color
"replaceColor": false