Background Mask

This property is used to choose the composition mode for the background mask effect.

The default value is destination-out, which unveils the background below using drawn elements, any other valid value can be found here

The cover property can be set to a HEX string or to a IColor | color object, that is the same as the one used in particles.color options.

The cover can also be a IBackgroundMaskCover | cover object like the one described below.

The color property can be set to a HEX string or to a IColor | color object, that is the same as the one used in particles.color options.

This color is used to cover the background set in the background section on in a below element, if this property is not set the cover will be transparent.

HEX sample
"color": "#bada55"
HEX IColor sample
"color": {
"value": "#bada55"
Rgb sample
"color": {
"value": {
"r": 255,
"g": 127,
"b": 0
Hsl sample
"color": {
"h": 180,
"s": 100,
"l": 50

The opacity property sets the color property opacity, so you can set a semi-transparent cover.

This value is by default to 1 and it accepts any value between 0 and 1 included.

This property set the background mask mode, this mode enables the composite option to all elements drawn.