The color
property can be set to a HEX string or to a IColor | color object, that is the same as the one used in particles.color
This color is set to canvas style background-color
property, if this property is not set the background will be
HEX sample
HEX IColor sample
Rgb sample
Hsl sample
The opacity
property sets the color
property opacity, so you can set a semi-transparent background.
This value is by default to 1
and it accepts any value between 0
and 1
The image
property sets the canvas style background-image
This property doesn't have a default value, anyway if you need a background image you need to specify the same CSS
syntax with the url()
"image": "url('')"
The position
property sets the canvas style background-position
This link can be useful to set the right value to this property.
The repeat
property sets the canvas style background-repeat
This link can be useful to set the right value to this property.
The size
property sets the canvas style background-size
This link can be useful to set the right value to this property.