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_updateFromAngle: ((angle, length) => void) = ...

Updates the current vector, using angle and length values, instead of x and y

Type declaration

    • (angle, length): void
    • Parameters

      • angle: number

        the new angle

      • length: number

        the new length

      Returns void

x: number

X coordinate of the vector

y: number

Y coordinate of the vector

z: number

Z coordinate


  • get angle(): number
  • Returns the current vector angle, based on x,y values

    Returns number

    the current vector angle, based on x,y values

  • set angle(angle): void
  • Sets the x,y values using an angle, length must be greater than 0


    • angle: number

      the angle to set

    Returns void

  • get length(): number
  • Returns the current vector length, based on x,y values

    Returns number

    the current vector length, based on x,y values

  • set length(length): void
  • Sets the x,y values using the length


    • length: number

      the length to set

    Returns void


  • Adds the given vector to the current one, modifying it


    • v: Vector3d

      the vector to add to the current one

    Returns void

  • Calculates the distance between the current vector and the given one


    • v: Vector3d

      the vector used for calculating the distance from the current one

    Returns number

    the distance between the vectors

  • Get the distance squared between two vectors


    • v: Vector3d

      the vector used for calculating the distance from the current one

    Returns number

    the distance squared between the vectors

  • Divides the given scalar and the current vector together, without modifying it


    • n: number

      the scalar value to divide from the current vector

    Returns Vector3d

    the divided vector

  • Divides the given scalar from the current vector, modifying it


    • n: number

      the scalar value to divide from the current vector

    Returns void

  • Get the squared length value

    Returns number

    the squared length value

  • Multiplies the given scalar and the current vector together, without modifying it


    • n: number

      the scalar value to multiply to the vector

    Returns Vector3d

    the multiplied vector

  • Multiplies the given scalar to the current vector, modifying it


    • n: number

      the scalar value to multiply to the vector

    Returns void

  • Creates a new vector, rotating the current one, without modifying it


    • angle: number

      the rotation angle

    Returns Vector3d

    the rotated vector

  • Subtracts the given vector from the current one, modifying it


    • v: Vector3d

      the vector to subtract from the current one

    Returns void