



autoPlay: boolean

Starts the emitter automatically

    | number
    | "none"
    | "left"
    | "top"
    | "bottom"
    | "right"
    | "outside"
    | "inside"
    | MoveDirectionAlt
    | MoveDirection
    | "bottomLeft"
    | "bottomRight"
    | "topLeft"
    | "topRight"

The direction of the emitted particles, MoveDirection is the enum used for values

domId?: string

Using this id to link the emitter to an HTML element

fill: boolean

Sets if the particles will spawn at the emitter perimeter or inside the area

The emitter life options

name?: string

The emitter name

Particles emitted customization. These settings will overrides other particles settings for the particles emitted by this emitter Particles number options won't override anything, they will be ignored completely

The relative position (in percent) of the emitter, where particles spawns. If size is specified the position will be the center of the size options

The particles emitting rate options

The emitter shape type (circle or square)

The size of the particles emitter area

spawnColor?: AnimatableColor

The particle spawn color

startCount: number

The number of starting particles of the emitter
